Centro de ajudaUsing the platformEnable forum on Activity’s level

Enable forum on Activity’s level

A Forum enables users to communicate with each other, including Activity Organisers. Currently, forums are available on Activity level. Contact us at to activate the Forum feature for your Organiser’s Account.

To enable a forum:

  1. Send us an email at requesting to activate the Forum feature for your Organiser’s Account. We will notify you about enabling the feature shortly.
  2. Go to an Activity you want to offer a Forum.
  3. Click on the Actions context menu (3 dots) (Open dashboard -> Activities -> Context menu) and click Edit activity.
  4. Scroll down to the section Activity discussion enable.
  5. Select Yes.
  6. Save changes by clicking Publish. Note: all users joining the activity will get forum post notifications only to Badge Wallet App.

Este artigo foi útil?

A Badgecraft é a anfitriã desta plataforma e desenvolve-a em conjunto com as principais organizações educativas. O programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia concedeu um cofinanciamento para a construção da primeira versão desta plataforma. Contacto:
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Cofinanciado pelo programa Erasmus+ da União Europeia